1. Baidu 2019 sales of 107,413,000,000 dollars (118.68 trillion 69.6 million won) / Naver 2019 sales of 5,963,990,079dollars (6.593.4 billion won)
출처: www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=01571126625642968
네이버, 2019년 매출 6조5934억…사상 첫 6조 돌파(상보)
네이버(035420)는 2019년 연간 매출이 6조5934억원을 기록했다고 30일 발표했다. 전년 동기 18.0% 증가한 수치로 6조원 돌파는 사상 처음이다. 다만 연간 영업이익은 7101억원으로 전년 대비 24.7% 감소했
출처: ir.baidu.com/financial-reports/
Financial Reports | Baidu Inc
The Investor Relations website contains information about Baidu Inc 's business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts.
About 20 times difference in sales / 2 times difference in market capitalization. At this level, it is confused whether Naver is overvalued or Baidu is undervalued.
2. Even Naver's autonomous driving technology doesn't even make it into the world rankings, while Baidu ranks fourth, ahead of Tesla Auto Pilot's original Mobil Eye.
3. Considering that Mobileye was acquired by Intel for 17 trillion won ($15 billion) in 2017 (with tiny sales), Baidu's market cap, which is evaluated only by sales, is about $57,890,521,600, But Naver does not include self-driving-related valuations in its market cap due to lack of technology. Assuming that there is almost no stake in autonomous driving technology in the total amount, Naver's $43,417,891,200 is an overvalued price. (For reference, Waymo's market capitalization was $10,854,472 as estimated by JP Morgan.)
출처: www.mk.co.kr/news/it/view/2020/03/243487/
[실리콘밸리 리포트] 韓타다 제동 걸린 사이에…무섭게 내달리는 `구글 웨이모`
3조원 가까운 자금 투자받아 기업가치 120조원 돌파 전세계 자동차 회사중 넘버2
4. Recently, a joint venture between Baidu and Geely is attracting attention, and a similar company is Canoo. The Canoo market cap is about $3,618,157,600. (In the case of Canoo, there is no actual mass-produced car, so it is an undervalued atmosphere.)
[마켓Q] 미국 증시서 카누 ′오름세′...모베이스전자에도 호재?
[아시아타임즈=김지호 기자] 미국 나스닥 시장에 상장된 전기차 제조 기업 카누(Canoo ...
5. Nio's cumulative sales volume is about 15,000 units, and Baidu's joint venture is expected to have at least this sales volume. Nio's market cap is $68,744,994,400. The sales are about $81,447,963
테슬라 뒤쫓는 中 NIO. Li Auto 8월 판매량 급증 - M오토데일리
[M 오토데일리 이상원기자] 중국 전기차업체인 NIO가 2020년 8월 판매량이 3,965대로 전년 동기대비 104%가 증가했다고 4일 발표했다. 이에 따라 니오의 누적 판매량은 현재21,667 대를 기록했다.지난 20
6. Conclusion: The target price within 3 years is at least $500, even if calculated very conservatively, since it is very undervalued in terms of sales and there is a possibility that it will more than double in terms of self-driving technology or the establishment of a joint venture.
7. Positive scenario
-Add $68,744,994,400 in market capitalization due to the establishment of an electric vehicle joint venture
-Add $578,905,216,000 in market cap when receiving market evaluation at Naver's level compared to sales
-An additional $108,544,728,000 in market capitalization when autonomous driving technology advances over Google's Waymo
-Final market capitalization of $756,194,938,400 within 5 years, target price of 2,500 dollars
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