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[루미나] 20210129 추세 동향 및 차트, 공매도 분석(Luminar 20210129 trend, chart, short selling analysis) 1. Luminar Technologies (NASDAQ: LAZR), a company that specializes in lidar technology used in self-driving vehicles, has seen its stock rally by about 15% since early January. While there hasn’t been too much news specific to the company in recent weeks, the electric vehicle industry, which is leading the self-driving revolution, has seen a lot of buzz. For instance, there is increasing enthusi.. 2021. 1. 29.
[루미나]PitchBook Data 인터뷰 - Navigating the promise of autonomous vehicle technologies Lee(진행자): Austin Russell is the founder and CEO of Luminar, an autonomous vehicle sensor and software company. Austin founded the company eight years ago with the goal of building a new type of LiDAR sensing system capable of solving the problem of how autonomous vehicles make sense of their unpredictable, real-world surroundings. Lee: Austin Russell은 자율 주행 차량 센서 및 소프트웨어 회사 인 Luminar의 설립자이자 CEO입.. 2021. 1. 28.
[바이두]바이두 캘리포니아 자율주행 승인, 아크인베스트 매입 현황 1. OAKLAND, Calif (Reuters) - Baidu Inc has received a permit from the state of California to test self-driving cars without a driver behind the wheel, the state's Department of Motor Vehicles said on Wednesday. 출처: 캘리포니아 주 오클랜드 (로이터) 바이두 (Baidu Inc)가 캘리포니아 주로부터 운전자없이 자율 주행 차를 테스트 할 수 있는 허가를 받았다고 밝혔다. Although self-driving vehicles are designed to eliminate the need for a driver, most testing th.. 2021. 1. 28.