전체 글803 [바이두] 캐시우드 바이두 언급 및 아크인베스트 매수 현황 “If I had to give you which of the Chinese names we have the highest conviction in, it's probably Baidu (BIDU),” she said. “That had been a hard sell for me because their search business was falling apart. And it did seem to me with more than 150 or 200 electric vehicle manufacturers — many being government subsidized — that there would be a bloodbath.” "우리가 가장 확신하는 중국 이름을 알려줘야 한다면 아마도 바이두 (BIDU.. 2021. 2. 4. [루미나] FROM 8-K Luminar to Redeem Public Warrants (20210204 기준) What Is a Redeemable Stock Warrant? Stock warrants are items that are issued directly by the company that issues its stock. These items allow investors to have the right to buy a certain number of shares of stock at fixed price in the future. Warrants are typically offered to investors in a new company as a way to increase their investment in the future without investing much more money. This ca.. 2021. 2. 4. [루미나] Form 424B3 요약 (2021년 2월 1일 기준) Risks Related to Our Business and Industry We are an early stage company with a history of losses, and we expect to incur significant expenses and continuing losses for the foreseeable future. 우리는 손실 이력이있는 초기 단계의 회사이며 가까운 미래에 상당한 비용과 지속적인 손실이 발생할 것으로 예상합니다. We have incurred net losses on an annual basis since our inception. We incurred a net loss of $72.2 million for the nine months ended Septem.. 2021. 2. 3. 이전 1 ··· 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 ··· 268 다음 728x90 반응형